Pamela Harland


want to move beyond ordinary talking therapy?

Open your mind to new possibilities and try Energy Psychology Strategies

find new thinking and feeling pathways for maintaining emotional, mental and soul balance
  • Creative Emotional Intelligence’
  • EFT Tapping
  • Matrix Reimprinting
  • Birth Matrix
  • Visualisations
  • Belief change
  • Soul-based strategies

My speciality offering

Higher Dimension Counselling sessions to discover user-friendly strategies that help you navigate life’s difficulties. Find your strengths, increase your intuitive perceptions and release up more energy – ideal for managing life’s issues like anxiety, stress, relationships, trauma, & grief. Make that move now, put great strategies in place to support you if things get tough – 3 session bundle recommended (see below).


Gain a greater sense of your own empowerment to enjoy life from a balanced viewpoint. Together we can change outmoded patterns in your life that hamper your wellbeing.  This is in the context of connecting with your Innate Intelligence, Higher Self, for your own inner guidance system. Pamela uses a range of the new energy psychology techniques from a holistic perspective – mind, emotions, body & spirit such as creative visualisations, colour healing, relaxing meditations, EFT tapping, matrix reimprinting (memory reprocessing).  Consider an investment in your own wellbeing can make phenomenal lasting changes.

  • Understand yourself & how you ‘tick’
  • Stress & anxiety management
  • Grief & transitions in life, discovering your legacy
  • Deep relaxation & EFT tapping
  • Impact of thoughts, beliefs, values through life & how to change them
  • Self-management strategies for emotional balance
  • Increase self-esteem & confidence, we all need to love ourselves more!
  • Develop healthy relationship boundaries
  • Discover your life direction & take new steps
  • Link to your innate wisdom (higher self) through intuition


Unique supportive sessions with Pamela to help strengthen your inner guidance system, increase awareness of the levels of vibrational frequencies, within yourself & in others.  This becomes a guiding light for informed decision making based on intuition & Higher Self Wisdoms, in all areas of your life.  The sessions enable you to find greater self-confidence in your knowing and act more with personal integrity and inner authority.  You may also gain greater resilience, maintain calmness even during turbulent times and an ability to set up your personal energy firewall, feel grounded and protected  from unseen forces & release negative energies.  Navigate difficulties & transitions more smoothly.   Learn to become an observer of life and notice energy frequencies in your environment.  Through your inner knowing you can find creative ways to enjoy life, enriched with Light and spiritual connection = soul.  


works by harmonising energy disruptions in and around the body by sensing through the person’s electro-magnetic energy field & the quantum energy field to make changes using vibrational frequencies to bring greater balance and alignment.   

Energy disruptions are often caused by emotional events and negative thoughts & beliefs.   The natural energy flow through the field can become distorted or blocked.    For example, people often sense a blocked feeling in their throat through to their heart centre for unexpressed emotion especially grief.  Higher Dimension Healing is deeply relaxing – ideal for body mind and emotion re-balancing.

Pamela often uses colour healing & the aura soma aromas in her  healing sessions to help release the energy disruptions & to raise energy frequencies.  The aromas are natural and very soothing.  Healing essences – fragrances inspired by angels    

 The aromas are used for cleansing, refreshing and strengthening the electromagnetic field around the physical body through the positive messages of that colour.  Each one contains 49 herbal extracts and essential oils, crystal energies and the vibration of colour.      (


Pamela’s healing sessions can include Pellowah Energy Healing 

Pellowah is the name given to an energy healing technique first channelled in 2003 by Australian Spiritual teacher Kachina Ma’an. The purpose of Pellowah is to increase your capacity to connect with your Higher Self & Source energies. Directed by spirit through a series of dreams and visions Kachina founded the Pellowah Healing Technique and began to train others in this new energy modality in 2004. Pellowah means “Radical Shift in Consciousness” – its entry into the world is perfect at this time for awakening the consciousness of humanity.

The healing session is totally hand-off the body, working 100% intuitively in the aura energy space. The healer is attuned through Pellowah & creates the opportunity for a download of energy unique for the client working on spiritual, mind & emotions it clears energy blocks to allow more balance & flow throughout. The client may experience lights, impressions, sounds & sensations – all are perfect.

This form of healing connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for activation.  It also realigns & unblocks all the meridian energy channels in the body, giving a sense of balance, energy & connection.    Pellowah expands the consciousness and can produce magical changes in life (not guaranteed but often reported).  After the pellowah session, the energy produces a positive sense of wellbeing lasting for days.

Pellowah is not designed for specific aches, pains or physical problems, rather it works holistically through all of the energy bodies releasing blockages & clearing the mind/emotions.

What are the benefits of Pellowah

* Experience a radical shift in your consciousness which permeates everything
* Increase your personal capacity for positive change, empower your life

* Generates new and expanded perspectives
* Attain a new lightness and sense of well being that increases over time
* Create a stronger connection to Higher Self/Source/The Divine
* Remove blocks, enabling clearer guidance
* Increased intuition
* Realign the body meridians
* Connects & activates the strands of DNA
* Calming of emotions, creating an increased feeling of Inner peace and clarity of mind

* Overcome life’s roadblocks of fear, self doubt and anxiety


Higher Dimension Counselling & Healing with Pamela Harland

Investment : Sessions one hour in person at Warkworth North Auckland or online are $120 each or you can buy a prepaid bundle of 3 sessions (recommended) for $330. In person sessions are $150 each

Payment either by cash, direct bank transfer or by Paypal    contact Pamela



Spirit of Wellbeing

Payment either by cash, direct bank transfer or by Paypal

using email (friends and family)

contact Pamela to book

Lao-Tzu “at the centre of your being you have the answer; you know who you are & you know what you want….when you are content to simply be yourself & don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you