Welcome to Spirit of Wellbeing  with Pamela Harland

where life path coaching  meets higher dimension counselling and healing through your astrological birth chart, energy psychology techniques and quantum energy healing help you to transform your life, create broader perspectives, manage uncertainty,   create a brighter future & strengthen your spiritual connection to navigate this life with purpose and joy.


Pamela is excited to add this unique coaching modality to the offerings. Life Path Astro-Coaching sessions enable you to discover your sense of life purpose and meaning through your natal astrological birth chart and the astrological patterns in life, plus future trends.

Understanding your soul’s pathway leads to developing your unique legacy based on your strengths and talents and life force energy going forward.    Online sessions takes you through  the challenges, patterns in life, and finding your soul life plan for future direction.

For more info see Life path astro-coaching page

contact Pamela for more info and to book your online life path session.  Life Path Coaching is only available online.


enrich your life, remove the stresses & strains, connect with your inner navigation system using Energy Psychology techniques – EFT tapping with Memory Reprocessing (MR) for emotional release, transformation, EFT tapping & Creative Visualisations.     Gentle, powerful change.    Good for stress, confusion, anxiety, overwhelm, releasing past patterns, be more in the present moment and bring in your potential.
Potentials: Psychologically – negative thoughts and beliefs get dissolved  Emotionally – painful memories get released, inner child feels loved & safe Spiritually -Finding and releasing blockages from Past lives, ancestral patterns to feel more in tune with your innate nature.
Matrix Reimprinting         Birth Matrix Reimprinting          Light Matrix Reimprinting

see more on the Higher Dimension Counselling & Healing page


brings together quantum colour energy healing, aura-soma essences to uplift and balance
Colour healing & aura-soma essences, a gentle relaxing way to feel balanced and aligned & uplifted.  Pellowah creates a “radical shift in consciousness”, clarity & stronger spiritual connection.    Healing therapy clears energy blockages, makes your subtle energy field stronger, releases dark energies so you feel lighter, more centred and grounded.   This is working at the quantum level – physical & non-physical. 
Potentials: Psychologically – feel restored, clarity physically – more grounded and balanced energy field,  emotionally – uplifted peacefulness, Spiritually – connected to Higher Self & Inner Wisdom

Pamela Harland offers tailor-made consultations to help you to….

  • learn to manage uncertainty and stress in a creative gentle way
  • connect with & increase your inner guidance system, for instinctual wisdoms
  • connect with your Higher Self and discover your life plan
  • increase core confidence and self-esteem
  • learn to cultivate an observer position to the ups & downs in life
  • learn to develop your own essential serenity & wellbeing
  • energy for balancing, re-alignment & clearing your personal field

Sessions are either in person at Warkworth, North Auckland or by pre-arranged online meetings

see more on the Higher Dimension Counselling & Healing page


Ways to book your first session and check out the pricing options  see the contact page

I would love to hear from you soon,     Pamela Harland        

contact Pamela    


is pleased to introduce Ian Cambourn (Pamela’s partner) offering 


Releasing blockages in your energy field, for pain relief, post surgery, emotional trauma and overall energy balancing & restoring wellbeing

Ian trained in polarity therapy, magnetic healing, working with clients for over 25 years alongside his various jobs – construction  project managing & organic food importation.    You can see Ian in person at Warkworth or  by Remote sessions by arrangement

He has a keen interest in working within the layers of the human energy field (aura) to bring balance, relaxation & pain relief.    Often issues in the physical body can be sensed as an energy imbalance in the field first, although Ian does not offer diagnosis.

What is Magnetic & Energy Balancing Therapy?

Ian will use his hands to locate blockages in your energy fields. He will then work to release  those blockages.  The person remains clothed, and they often feel the changes as the released energy blockages allow the body to re- enliven.    Energy Balancing Therapy can help with *Sports Injuries *Depression * Anxiety * Illness  *Post Surgery * Menstrual Pain *Emotional & Physical Pain

Comments made after energy sessions include : Something’s changed¨ Feels better¨ Feels lighter¨ The pain has gone¨ Feels wonderful¨ Feels amazing¨ It’s magical


The energy fields within & surrounding the human body are electromagetic & are commonally known as the auric field.  These energies are seldom seen by the human eye, but can be detected by resonant field imaging RFI.  Scientific research now shows the aura is an electromagnetic field of energy that extends all around our body for about 4-5feet (in a average healthy body) and appears to be depleted in cases of an unhealthy person.

”  Our bodies are made up of Energy and if this Energy system becomes  imbalanced then the body becomes ill  ”  ”  When the Energy Flows –  The Pain Goes. ”   Michael O’Doherty Irish Bio- Energy Healer

Contact Ian for discussion or to make an appointment call  Ian on  021 262 9504.

In person at Wellness Hub expos and/or Remote energy sessions over approximately two weeks

For more info & booking contact Ian   email: Ian Cambourn

Interesting articles to read

Playing in the Matrix – new energy psychology techniques

Active empathic resonance – playing with brain waves

What impact does your birth experience play in your life?

more articles

The Wellness Hub – Warkworth North Auckland area

Warkworth, Matakana, Wellsford

Pamela Harland and Ian Cambourn are both part of the  exciting Wellness Hub NZ not-for-profit community initiative bringing together a health & wellness practitioners collective with friends of the Hub to create local support, community connections & choices.  Contact us if you want to join the Practitioners Collective

Pamela Harland   testimonials

I have been having counselling for the last three and half years with Pamela Harland. In total I have been in counselling for nearly twenty years. My past right from childhood was pretty screwed up, I was living with PTSD without knowing what that was.  However, I do now, I don’t live in the past and yes it will raise its ugly head but I don’t let it bite me anymore.   Thanks to Pamela teaching me trigger management techniques and especially how to love me and forgive others, I now have skills to use in my life for when the uglies try to come up again.    Do not be afraid to be confronted with deep issues, Pamela will assist you, but will not leave you hanging by yourself. She will be a guide alongside you until you have worked through all the bad stuff.   I have nothing but admiration for Pamela who came into my life and helped set the past free.  She has been a blessing to me.   Breathe let your worries go, to be free”    L S Warkworth

The session I did with Pamela was extremely helpful and interesting.  It revolved around relaxation, tuning into my higher self and she gave me tools to aid my stress and unhelpful thought patterns. I was impressed with Pamela’s gentle intuition when talking to me and asking relevant questions.  The coping tools she taught me, I find I am using all the time.  This allows me to move from a negative head space to a place of calm and positiveness. A very insightful therapist.”  JM Matakana

I have been carrying a burden for 60 years of bad childhood memories of abuse and therapy with Pamela has helped me come to terms with my past and create a positive memory which has been amazing. She helped me get over my earthquake terrors. I can now relax & enjoy life and feel hopeful about the future. Thank you for giving my life back”  HS Kerikeri

Thank you for bringing my Mum back” HS daughter, Sydney

Pamela has helped me find a sense of increased clarity and purpose around my career direction and life path. She has an incredible propensity to combine head-based/results focus with spiritual/heart energy which made me feel understood, heard and at the same time take clear and direct action towards what I wanted in my life. Pamela brings light and love to many places and people and I really enjoy her fun spirit, laughter and dynamism”.  KB Auckland

I came to see Pamela after my separation became messy which had resulting in panic attacks and depression, I was in a deep hole with no hope in sight.  It soon became apparent that I had deeper unattended issues from childhood that may have contributed to what I was going through.  Pamela supported me through the sessions, guiding me through until I felt myself again and I am so happy for that. Thank you Pamela for your amazing support.”   CJ Whangarei. 


John O’Donohue, Anam Cara “May you recognise in your life, your power, presence & light of your Soul. May you realise you are never alone that your soul in its brightness & belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe. May you have respect for your own individuality & difference”