Playing in the Matrix – new energy psychology techniques

visionary art of Luke BrownPlaying in the Matrix – the new energy psychology

We are living in a quick-fix, app driven social media society today.  Clients are getting more au fait with therapy in its various models & techniques.  Privately funded long term counselling may become a thing of the past, out of the financial reach of many.    Most funded counselling is short term, 3 sessions which limits the deeper work.     In the last 10 years or so, it seems to me that counsellors are looking to new trends to match this evolving therapeutic world.  This is in the context of clients desiring a more short-term solution focused approach for coping with problems like anxiety management, calling for more psycho-education, emotional resilience skills and not forgetting the focus of popular psychology law of attraction – talking therapy is evolving & transforming.             …

What impact does your birth experience play in your life?

mother and her newborn baby

I didn’t realise how much it does!
So many babies are induced, do we realise the impact of those early synthetic drugs could have on later addictive behaviour? Or C-sections where the baby’s head is stuck & needs to be pulled out quickly. Or the effect of the epidural on the baby’s wellbeing & birth recovery?    I have recently studied this topic area & discovered that the birth process leaves an imprint in our minds & energy field, albeit unconscious.  It can affect emotional bonding in all our subsequent relationships.…

If you are feeling blue.. my Top Pickup Tips

Image taken from

Some times I feel down & I don’t know why, my heart just kind of feels heavy & I know I have lost my smile. Even facebook seems to be all boring & samey.  I usually go through the process of elimination – is it food eaten, hormones, lack of beauty sleep, the weather?   Am I just having a blue day & how can I shift it into a bright sunshiny yellow-gold day?

If you are feeling down & blue, what to do 

How to Live in the Moment?

 January 2012

How much do we long for the ability to sustain a wonderful sense of feeling good? The short-lived highs of a new technological gadget or a fashion scoop hardly touches the pleasure centre spot. We search for greater meaning. So really appreciating the simple things in life, feeling a good aspect in every person we encounter, is an art which needs practice.

 Living in the moment..

Psychologists & counselors are moving strongly into mindfulness based therapies as a way to help people become much more present emotionally & mentally.

If we can live each day as if it has great meaning, like its our last, would we hold a different point of view on the road rage or the argument with the spouse? What really matters to us?

Energy Psychology Training EFT & Matrix Reimprinting in Auckland

SPIRIT OF WELLBEING is excited to promote Fast track training in energy psychology techniques EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE & MATRIX REIMPRINTING  combo   SORRY THIS TRAINING HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES    It is now available at Gold Coast & Melbourn Australia Accredited (EFTMRA) One day, four day, six day or eight day training options –…

Compassion Fatigue – An occupational hazzard?

Have you lost your joie de vive? Do you find yourself getting drained listening to others’ crisis & personal issues? Yes I know sometimes life is tough & we have our own issues to deal with too!   As a line manager do you find your internal empathy is running a bit dry? Are you sufficiently emotionally robust to handle co-workers’ grief, traumas, life-dramas, over-sensitivities, anger outbursts etc?  Maybe you are suffering from compassion fatigue otherwise known as ‘vicarious traumatisation‘.    Here’s a handy fact sheet on compassion fatigue 

Bridging the gap between Wellbeing and Distress

For my beachside holiday reading over Christmas & New Year I enjoyed perusing Dr Russ Harris’ new book The Reality Slap – How to find fulfillment when life hurts (see which looks at how events in life such as crisis & disasters shock us, causing a huge slap in our reality awareness, especially events like death, divorce, bankruptcy, redundancy, disability, serious illness or injury.   The recent earthquake & aftershocks in Christchurch is a prime example, following on from the previous shakes. These life events can affect us to such a degree that the gap between what is happening/happened & what we desire or need in order to feel OK looks like a huge gulf.  Even Christmas & New Year experiences of family dramas or feeling alone can trigger so much distress in us, that we find it hard to engage with everyday life. In these troubled times, Russ’s book helps us to develop self-compassion. He uses ACT (acceptance & commitment therapy) – ACT mindfulness  to deal with these major losses.   I was then reflecting on how exactly do we manage this reality slap.
How can we bridge the gap between feeling normally OK with inner WELLBEING & dealing with the distress of having our world turned upside down?
The 2 worlds can seem to be universes apart.

Here are 7 ways to bridge the gap

Active empathic resonance – playing with brain waves

ACTIVE EMPATHIC RESONANCE presentation by Pamela Harland excerpts from the workshop presented at Mind Body Conference Auckland 2004 Playing with brain waves From my work with cancer clients at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre in the UK (now known as the Penny Brohn Centre after the founder), I found that connecting with patients using a technique called active empathic resonance, many…