Some times I feel down & I don’t know why, my heart just kind of feels heavy & I know I have lost my smile. Even facebook seems to be all boring & samey. I usually go through the process of elimination – is it food eaten, hormones, lack of beauty sleep, the weather? Am I just having a blue day & how can I shift it into a bright sunshiny yellow-gold day?
If you are feeling down & blue, what to do
watch something funny – laughing baby Micah
Baby Micah laughing at the sound of ripping paper – an amazing 38.7 million views! Such an infectious, pure laugh & we all used to belly laugh like that once upon a time!
2) read something truly inspiring, meaningful & uplifting .
Try an OSHO wisdom card –pick a card for today or another inspiring deck
3) listen to an inspiring TED Ideas worth spreading video clip
– just a 10 min break can make so much difference. Have a look at Thandie Newton Embracing Otherness.
4) count your blessings –
every cloud has a silver lining, so find your silver ingot of blessings – find at least 5 wonderful things happening RIGHT NOW in your life, then you are on to something bigger & greater than your blue mood.
5) have a decent cuppa
(this is one of my personal favourites) try Kerikeri organic tea/ NZ chai – hmmm
There’s nothing like a good ol’ English brew to set the world to rights!
Having the blues can be a good experience, it’s your Inner Self letting you know that it’s time to nurture & love yourself more!
Pamela Harland is a Wellbeing Consultant & Group facilitator, UK Counselling Psychologist specialising in Workplace Wellbeing. Pamela is passionate about bringing Positive Psychology techniques to workplaces, teams and individuals to create a Spirit of Wellbeing Culture.
contact Pamela