Playing in the Matrix – new energy psychology techniques

visionary art of Luke BrownPlaying in the Matrix – the new energy psychology

We are living in a quick-fix, app driven social media society today.  Clients are getting more au fait with therapy in its various models & techniques.  Privately funded long term counselling may become a thing of the past, out of the financial reach of many.    Most funded counselling is short term, 3 sessions which limits the deeper work.     In the last 10 years or so, it seems to me that counsellors are looking to new trends to match this evolving therapeutic world.  This is in the context of clients desiring a more short-term solution focused approach for coping with problems like anxiety management, calling for more psycho-education, emotional resilience skills and not forgetting the focus of popular psychology law of attraction – talking therapy is evolving & transforming.             …

What impact does your birth experience play in your life?

mother and her newborn baby

I didn’t realise how much it does!
So many babies are induced, do we realise the impact of those early synthetic drugs could have on later addictive behaviour? Or C-sections where the baby’s head is stuck & needs to be pulled out quickly. Or the effect of the epidural on the baby’s wellbeing & birth recovery?    I have recently studied this topic area & discovered that the birth process leaves an imprint in our minds & energy field, albeit unconscious.  It can affect emotional bonding in all our subsequent relationships.…

Download your Wellbeing

  Some excellent research  into 22 European nations accounts of wellbeing is on the NEF (New Economics Foundation, UK) website.  NEF is a UK charity promoting global interdependence, thriving communities, wellbeing & future economy for policy-makers, governments & organisations.   NEF used 2  components in their comprehensive research of wellbeing personal & social wellbeing.  Denmark was top scorer for personal & social wellbeing.   I wonder how NZ would shape up in comparison.   more on Sub-components of Personal Well-being

Is work making us mentally ill ?

February 2012

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us most.  As you let your light shine, you unconsciously give others permission to do the same, Liberated from your fear, your presence liberates others.  Nelson Mandela’s inaugural speech 1994

Looking at our emotional health at work, I was intrigued by a recent UK study by Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD)

on supporting mental health in the workplace.  In 2011, they commissioned YouGov to survey over 2000 employees to identify their experiences & attitudes about the degree of mental health at work. 26% reported mental health difficulties, with women higher than men. Rates were also higher in the 35 to 44 year age group.

CIPD also cite the CAUSES of mental health problems

4 simple steps to remind yourself to self-nurture – you deserve it!

Isn’t it time – for you?

January 2012

I was enjoying walking by the ocean, golden sands, gentle lapping waves, emerald-azure waters, I could be feeling absolutely amazing or I could be lost within my dark thoughts. Then I was contemplating what does the internal landscape really look like & how do we take care of ourselves. Maintaining a feel-good factor is quite an art, even an ongoing okayness can be tricky. Our runaway thoughts are compelling & addictive as they fuel the epic 3D stories & tales – current & past.

Before we can say Jack Robinson (and who the hell was he anyway?) we have entered the dragon’s lair, fears, anxieties, self-recriminations, resentments emerge from the dragon’s fire & we spiral down. So many of our feelings especially anxieties, reside in the gut /sacral centre, yet somewhere within us we have the capacity to ease this fire & nurture ourselves, when we start to feel bad.

4 easy steps to self-nurture cont’d

Developing Inner Super-Vision at Work

Have you ever wondered why it is that some work interactions and events can trigger big emotional responses such as over-reactions, misunderstandings, injustices, defensiveness or emotional shut down, retaliations?   From my client work through EAP schemes over the years I am amazed at the amount of bullying that exists in organisations – hierarchical, horizontal, group peer pressure & so on. I wonder why it is becoming so common place when we all have  the right to a nurturing and supportive organisational culture instead of one which is harmful & anxious.

Using technology to enable dreaming

Has our technology — our cell phones and iPods and cameras — stopped us from dreaming?  Young artist Shilo Shiv Suleman says no, as she demos “Khoya,” her new storybook for iPad, which floats us through a magical world in 7 minutes of pure creativity. I was mesmerised by the interactive storytelling on the iPad…