Download your Wellbeing

  Some excellent research  into 22 European nations accounts of wellbeing is on the NEF (New Economics Foundation, UK) website.  NEF is a UK charity promoting global interdependence, thriving communities, wellbeing & future economy for policy-makers, governments & organisations.   NEF used 2  components in their comprehensive research of wellbeing personal & social wellbeing.  Denmark was top scorer for personal & social wellbeing.   I wonder how NZ would shape up in comparison.   more on Sub-components of Personal Well-being

Compassion Fatigue – An occupational hazzard?

Have you lost your joie de vive? Do you find yourself getting drained listening to others’ crisis & personal issues? Yes I know sometimes life is tough & we have our own issues to deal with too!   As a line manager do you find your internal empathy is running a bit dry? Are you sufficiently emotionally robust to handle co-workers’ grief, traumas, life-dramas, over-sensitivities, anger outbursts etc?  Maybe you are suffering from compassion fatigue otherwise known as ‘vicarious traumatisation‘.    Here’s a handy fact sheet on compassion fatigue 

Using technology to enable dreaming

Has our technology — our cell phones and iPods and cameras — stopped us from dreaming?  Young artist Shilo Shiv Suleman says no, as she demos “Khoya,” her new storybook for iPad, which floats us through a magical world in 7 minutes of pure creativity. I was mesmerised by the interactive storytelling on the iPad…