Energy Psychology Training EFT & Matrix Reimprinting in Auckland

SPIRIT OF WELLBEING is excited to promote Fast track training in energy psychology techniques EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE & MATRIX REIMPRINTING  combo   SORRY THIS TRAINING HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES    It is now available at Gold Coast & Melbourn Australia

Accredited (EFTMRA) One day, four day, six day or eight day training options with Caroline Dawson (Australia 

Learn the theory behind the self-healing skills & get a taste of how they can enhance your life – EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES (TAPPING) & MATRIX REIMPRINTING These techniques can be used for anything from chronic stress, trauma and depression, to phobias & performance anxiety. Ideal for counsellors, psychotherapists & psychologists wanting to extend their skills base & for anyone wanting to learn how to use tapping on themselves. This day leads into the 3 day EFT course, which is a pre-requisite for the Matrix Reimprinting training.

EFT LEVELS 1 & 2 (EFTMRA accredited) in AUCKLAND with Caroline Dawson (Australia / UK) 3 days training    Negative emotions are stored in the body & cause disruptions in the energy system. Often physical symptoms are connected to emotions. EFT is a unique version of acupuncture without the needles & very easy to learn. Where energy meridian points around the body are lightly tapped on with your fingertips stimulating the body’s energy creating fast release & change. EFT is such a broad skill, the procedure can be used for removing fears, for public speaking & much more. For therapists, you can teach your clients how to manage their internal emotional world including fear, trauma, depression & grief. For more info on EFT see EFT training for more on EFTMRA see EFTMRA This training is the pre-requisite for the Matrix Reimprinting Foundation training.

MATRIX REIMPRINTING FOUNDATION TRAINING (EFTMRA accredited)  with Caroline Dawson (Australia / UK) two days training    Matrix Reimprinting (MR) is the powerhouse use of EFT. Through this gentle process, you will learn how to easily access RELEVANT memories, minimising any re -traumatising. Learn how to apply EFT within the memory (ECHO) to de-traumatise that part of the client, identifying the core life decisions & beliefs made at that time. Profound healing of trauma states are possible through the reimprinting process into the neuropathways of the brain & into the body & out through the heart centre. The pre requisite for MR is EFT level 1 and 2.

MATRIX REIMPRINTING INTENSIVE TRAINING (EFTMRA accredited) with Caroline Dawson (Australia / UK) four days training    This is the 2 day MR Foundation training as above with an additional 2 days on Specific Issues covering a wide range of applications to have more in depth knowledge of how MR works with: Allergies, Phobias, Relationships, Life Issues, depression, stress & working with serious Illnesses.. The 4 day training leads into Practitioner Certification with an online test.

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